
October 6, 2015

Betsey Whitney's Gold Feather Tiara

gold feather tiara verdura betsey cushing whitney
Creation: This tiara was made by Fulco di Verdura in 1957.

Materials: diamonds set in gold and platinum
gold feather tiara verdura betsey cushing whitney
Betsey Whitney
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Susanna Salk
  1. Betsey Cushing Roosevelt Whitney; on the occasion of her husband, John Hay Whitney's, appointment as the American ambassador to the United Kingdom
  2. Verdura; given to them by Betsey Whitney in the 1980s 
gold feather tiara verdura betsey cushing whitney hamish bowles
Hamish Bowles
gold feather tiara verdura betsey cushing whitney hamish bowles
Hamish Bowles
Other Wearers:

Photos: Verdura/Quintessence